Circle of Champions Worldwide is a public Facebook group for individuals such as yourself who are trying to make positive change in their own lives and in the lives of others. If you’ve been thinking about creating impact in your life, in the lives of those most important to you, and in the world, then you have come to the right place. Our community will give you the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and participate in a living, breathing tribe that strives to erase the stigma behind mental health issues and those who have suffered the impact of trauma; especially the impact that complex trauma, generational trauma, and childhood trauma has on an individual’s life. You will also be given the opportunity to learn not just about the impact that trauma has in our lives and what that looks like, but also what the attitudes, mindset and character attributes are that set the path for individuals to not only survive, but to thrive despite their negative life experiences.
Our Tribe exists for anyone, both therapists and non-therapists, professional and non professional, who desire to find the best in themselves and make positive change and impact, not just in their own lives but in the lives of others and the world. As the founder of our Tribe, I am extremely passionate about helping individuals develop the best version of themselves and develop the inherent gifts they possess to make their own impact in the world through leadership development and education. By joining our Tribe and actively participating, you will gain the skills needed to make a lasting impact in your life and in the lives of others through group activities and training opportunities that will help you discover the innate power within you to influence others and help bring out their best!
We are extremely excited to guide you on this journey!
“Not in numbers, but in unity that our great strength lies.”
-Thomas Pane
Our Agents of Change Testimonials